Mama Jaja's Herbal Services
Setting a standard for healthy living using 100% natural herbs to cure many kinds of disease, Mama Jaja at the herbal center offers alternative natural medicine, herbs to scientific medicines, including complementary, holistic and allopathic medicines & wellness treatment.
Increasing Fertility, Stop Early ejaculation, Broken bones, chest pains, heartache, headache, high fever, lost memory, piles, leprosy, teeth ache, neck pains, back pains, poisons, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes, diarrhoea, cancer, lung infections, strong cough, meningitis, elegies, pimples, lost appetite, eye ache, small pox, ring worms, leukemia snake bites, birth pains, stomach pains, gonorrhea syphilis, dysentery, shaking palsy, paralysis, epilepsy, short breathe, skin infections.
Sample Herbal Medicine Stocked
(Mama Jaja carries and offers over 150 organically grown and ethically harvested medicinal herbs. Each herb is available in multiple forms and as a component in one or more of our therapeutic formulas and kits.)
Herbal viagra, Fertility herbs, herbal weight loss, herbal magic, herbal products, herbal supplements, herbal remedies for anxiety and herbal remedies for depression by Mama Jaja.
Whatever your physical or spiritual problem Mama Jaja can help you
Get potent home remedies for skin care, home remedies for constipation, home remedies for cough and home remedies for cold.
Sample Healing Herbs and Uses Explained
Turmeric: Ease arthritis - A heaping helping of curry could relieve your pain. That's because turmeric, a spice used in curry, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory that works similarly to Cox-2 inhibitors, drugs that reduce the Cox-2 enzyme that causes the pain and swelling of arthritis. It might also: Prevent colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
Cinnamon: Lower blood sugar - In a recent German study of type 2 diabetics, taking cinnamon extract daily successfully reduced blood sugar by about 10%. It might also: Lower cholesterol.
Rosemary: Avoid carcinogens - Frying, broiling, or grilling meats at high temperatures creates HCAs (heterocyclic amines), potent carcinogens implicated in several cancers. But HCA levels are significantly reduced when rosemary extract (a common powder) is mixed into beef before cooking. It might also: Stop tumors.
Ginger: Avert nausea - Ginger can prevent stomach upset from many sources, including pregnancy, motion sickness, and chemotherapy. "This is one of Mom's remedies that really works,". A powerful antioxidant, ginger works by blocking the effects of serotonin, a chemical produced by both the brain and stomach when you're nauseated, and by stopping the production of free radicals, another cause of upset in your stomach. It might also: Decrease your blood pressure, arthritis pain, and cancer risk.
Holy Basil: Combat stress -Several animal studies back holy basil, a special variety of the plant you use in your pesto sauce, as effective at reducing stress by increasing adrenaline and noradrenaline and decreasing serotonin.It might also: Inhibit breast cancer.
St. John's Wort: Soothe your worries - You probably know that research has confirmed this herb's power to relieve mild to moderate depression and anxiety as effectively as many drugs—without a lot of the side effects. It might also: Help you snooze more soundly. St. John's wort not only contains melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycles, but it also increases the body's own melatonin, improving sleep.
Garlic: Lower cancer risk - High consumption of garlic lowered rates of ovarian, colorectal, and other cancers, says a 2006 research review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. After a year of taking aged garlic extract supplements, people with a history of colon polyps will see a reduction in the size and number of the precancerous growths detected by their doctors. It might also: Provide cardiovascular benefits. Garlic contains more than 70 active phytochemicals, including allicin, which many studies have shown decreases high blood pressure by as much as 30 points. Garlic may help prevent strokes as well by slowing arterial blockages.
Andrographis: Shorten Summer Colds - Andrographis does a great job of relieving upper-respiratory infections, such as colds or sinusitis. The herb eases symptoms such as fatigue, sleeplessness, sore throat, and runny nose up to 90%.
Sea Buckthorn: Reverse vaginal dryness - Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is very effective for hydrating mucous membranes and alleviating vaginal dryness. It contains palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid found in human skin that helps moisturize and heal it.
Kudzu: Curb problem drinking - A group of moderately heavy drinkers in their 20s voluntarily cut their beer consumption in half after taking capsules containing the Chinese herb (also called Pueraria lobata ) for a week. kudzu more quickly allows alcohol to get to the part of the brain that tells you that you've had enough.
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